Thursday 20 September 2018

An insight into the Google Pigeon Algorithm

Google has several algorithms that decide which website has to rank in the top position while which has to be pushed down. However not many did know that the search engine uses two different algorithms for overall ranking and for local SEO results. The SEO service providers have a good idea of it and know how important a local SEO can be.

The algorithm for local search calculates the distance between the user and the business and shows the results accordingly. Contrary to that, one cannot change the distance or regulate it as per the user’s need but uploading images, videos, and infographics can be helpful in attracting the customers and fetching good business.

To rank the local search, first of all, optimize the website corresponding to the following regular guidelines-

1. Use keywords containing the location of your business

2. Create quality content with the decent amount of keywords filling

3. Build backlinks from trusted and relevant sources as suggested by digital marketing companies

4. Optimize the website and make it mobile friendly

5. Work out on all the header tags, meta descriptions, title tags, and modification of CSS/JS files

Once the website has been optimized with respect to a search engine and its ranking has started to improve then one can proceed with optimizing the site corresponding to local searches.

Here are the following methods that SEO companies in Noida suggest to follow,

1. Create a business profile on Google My Business and listings on business directories

2. Implement NAP (name, address, and place) in the listings as well as on the website

3. Upload reviews from customers on Website or ask them for a review on Google. A positive review and good ratings help a lot in the ranking

4. Use business location relevant text, images, and videos in the website content and on social media 

5.Display structured data on the website to provide simple user-interfacing

This local SEO search is helpful and has been contributing a lot to the sales and marketing strategies of the businesses.

Optimize the website! Get in the search results! 

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